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Police in Telford, Shropshire say they have shut down an illegal “rave” in a park which was attended by at least 70 people on Saturday (May 16) amidst the coronavirus lockdown.

According to tweets by a police account as the incident took place: “We are attending a mass gathering/rave at the Granville park. I’m told 70 people here! We have worked so hard and sacrificed so much and this group decide it doesn’t apply. I’m shocked that people would care so little. #hangYourHeadsInShame”

The incident was subsequently confirmed by West Mercia Police who said that the party had a DJ set up, with the officer saying that it “appears to be pre-planned.”

They also said that one attendee said they’d broken lockdown rules because they were “sick of self isolation.”

Current government advice states that although restrictions are gradually being lifted, people should “not gather in groups of more than two” except with members of their household.

The police did not issue any fines as a result of the incident. “Just to clarify. We don’t fine unless there is no other action open,” Telford Police tweeted.

“We engage and explain. We asked the group to disperse and they did. We would ask anyone who is thinking of organizing one of these events to think of the bigger picture. Please refer to the government guidelines.”

Meanwhile, as artists and promoters look for ways for live music to return after the coronavirus pandemic, Live Nation say they are preparing to test a series of crowdless gigs and drive-in concerts.

Recently, the company was forced to furlough 20 per cent of its workforce, equal to 2,100 people, as part of a $600M cost-cutting package.

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