Santa Claus will be coming to town this year, Dr. Anthony Fauci says.
“I took care of that for you,” he says. “…I took a trip up there to the North Pole; I went there and I vaccinated Santa Claus myself. I measured his level of immunity, and he is good to go.” #CNNSesameStreet — CNN (@CNN) December 19, 2020
I’m going to go out on a limb here. Lying to society this far into a pandemic is not something I would encourage. #tellthetruth #clockisticking RT @nypost: He’s got Santabodies! Fauci tells kids Kris Kringle received COVID vaccine
— Brent Smith (@TheBrentSmith) December 20, 2020
Hey everyone I hear you... I won’t even yell back. Much love ❤️ to all... Happy Holidays?
— Brent Smith (@TheBrentSmith) December 20, 2020
I dont see the problem. I have two little kids both ask me not so long ago is it possible that Santa Claus is coming, i told both yes it is because he is a special man. So this is a good idea! Is not about vaccine, its about Santa is able to come let them believe in this!
— Katharina Schneider (@ks_katharina) December 20, 2020
This is the first thing anyone has done for our kids through this pandemic. I think it is absolutely amazing of Fauci! He helped us parents ease little minds that want Santa to be safe.
— Brittney “yo momma” Hairrell (@BaHaBritter) December 20, 2020
Uhhhh... we’re talking about Santa here, something that makes kids happy. And I don’t think it’s considered a lie when you’re talking about imaginary people. Pick your battles, Brent. There’s much worse going on.
— ScreamQueenArlene MLS (@sleepingkoala45) December 20, 2020
I think this is so sweet and see no problem. Our kiddos are stressed. They are scared. Even the best of us can't mitigate the anxiety of a child. If Santa is "safe" and they find joy, I'm all in. Let them be little.
— Leslie Rush (@bucksbrowns73) December 20, 2020
You do realize ? is not real, right? And that children are likely more confused than us adults? If an adult doesn’t understand why Faucci did this well then I can’t help them.
— ???? ? ?? (@Wm_Lane) December 20, 2020