Square Enix has shared a new trailer for Final Fantasy 16 during a Sony State Of Play presentation – check it out below.
Titled “Dominance”, the three-minute video starts with the text “In a world ruled by tyranny and turmoil, there are those that would fight back to gain control of their fate” before the question “what are the Dominants?” is asked.
What follows next is a whole lot of fighting alongside talk of war, death and destruction. Check the trailer out below.
“In previous interviews and updates, we didn’t delve too deep into details about the game system, but hopefully with this preview, you all were able to get a better picture of what actual gameplay will entail,” says producer Naoki Yoshida in a blog.
“Namely, high-octane battles featuring our protagonist Clive Rosfield wielding a full arsenal of attacks unique to the game’s many Eikons (summons). Not to mention epic clashes between the Eikons themselves that put you right in the action.”
The game will release summer 2023 on the PlayStation 5.
“With the power of the PlayStation 5 behind us, we’re looking to take you on a seamless, story-driven, white-knuckle ride that will rival even the most thrilling roller-coaster,” Naoki added.
It breaks us—it unmakes us—that its immaculate aspect might reveal itself.
The Eikon.@FinalFantasy XVI launches Summer 2023. #FF16 pic.twitter.com/NkdxUPA2Mq— FINAL FANTASY XVI (@finalfantasyxvi) June 2, 2022
In the same blog, director Hiroshi Takai confirms that development on Final Fantasy 16 is finished and the game can now be played through from start to finish “though, from optimisation to brush-up, there is still a mountain of challenges to tackle as we head into our final push.”
Speaking about just what the Dominants are and introducing new character Hugo Kupka, a PlayStation blog explains that he was “once a nameless foot soldier in the Republican Army” before his awakening as Dominant Of The Eikon Titan “thrust him to the forefront of Dhalmekian politics.”
“It was here he used his newfound position as the most powerful man in the republic to exert influence over both the nation’s armies and its policy making—amassing a personal fortune in the process. Yet while it is said that a man who has everything wants for nothing, Benedikta Harman will teach him money and power are far from all the world has to offer.”
In other news, a Resident Evil 4 remake has been confirmed with trailer alongside a March 2023 release date
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