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Captain Price in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

A new Call Of Duty alternate reality game (ARG) puzzle has seemingly kicked off, which is expected to culminate with the reveal of Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

The ARG was brought to light after several gamers and members of the press were sent crates by Activision that could not be unlocked until receiving a code for it. Upon unlocking the crates, it was revealed to contain projectors and slides of US and Russian maps.

Popular streamer NoahJ456, who was the first person to solve the mysterious ARG, was lead to the website pawntakespawn.com/tv at the end of his challenge, where a mysterious timer has set for 5PM BST this Friday, August 14.

Check out Noah’s unboxing – and solving – of the puzzle below.

Noah has since announced that he was contacted by Activision, which clarified that the timer set for this Friday will set off another puzzle, instead of the game’s official reveal. “What we solved today was just the FIRST step of the Call of Duty 2020 reveal. What comes out on Friday at 12 EST is just the next part,” he said on Twitter.

This year’s premium Call Of Duty title, currently believed to be Black Ops Cold War, was leaked in July through a Doritos advertisement campaign that announced its title and logo, and hinted at an October release.

While the game has not been confirmed by Activision, the company has confirmed that this year’s game is being developed by Treyarch Studios and Raven Software. Activision president Rob Kostich also hinted that this year’s Call Of Duty reveal may come through Call Of Duty: Warzone.

He said that “Warzone in particular is not only a great game experience, it’s also a great platform for us to share new franchise news and information directly with our community, like we haven’t done before”.

Warzone has caused us to rethink how, when and even where we reveal our upcoming titles, so we can’t wait to share with the community and we think it’s going to be very different and more engaging than anything we’ve ever done before,” he added.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 5 is currently on-going.

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