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AC/DC‘s Angus Young has confirmed that Axl Rose didn’t write any music with the band while serving as Brian Johnson’s live stand-in.

The Guns N’ Roses leader stepped in to front AC/DC for the final leg of their ‘Rock or Bust World Tour’ in 2016 after progressive hearing loss forced Johnson to take a break from performing on doctor’s orders.

But despite winning fans over, Young says that the band never recorded with Rose during their time on the road.

Young told Rolling Stone: “Nothing really came out solid. I know that he has a lot of things he’s involved in. I don’t even know if you would say it was music. But he had a lot of things that he was involved in.”

When asked if they worked on any songs, he replied: “No, no. That never happened.”

Axl Rose and AC/DC’s Angus Young (Picture: Getty)

This clarification comes after Axl seemingly hinted that they were recording together at the time.

“I feel protective; I feel I do not want to let this guy down – more than almost anybody I’ve ever known – and I don’t know why,” he said.

“And he’s very responsive to me. And they said they hadn’t seen him this happy, they hadn’t seen him moving around [this much]. In between songs, he’s playing other stuff [that has inspired potential new song ideas]. So that’s kind of a neat thing between musicians.”

Last month Young revealed the AC/DC album which he believes “defines” the band.

The musician was taking part in an interview with Switzerland’s Radio SRF 3 when he was asked which of his band’s past records he would “put on to impress someone who has never heard of AC/DC”.

“‘Let There Be Rock’,” he responded. “‘Let There Be Rock’, for me, is the album.”

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