Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Credit: BioWare

BioWare has confirmed that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf has reached alpha status, sharing that the game is playable from “beginning to end”.

Sharing an update to EA‘s website, BioWare general manager Gary McKay said: “We can experience the entire game, from the opening scenes of the first mission to the very end.

“We can see, hear, feel, and play everything as a cohesive experience.”

The post also shared details about a new explorable area in the game, Minrathous, the capital of the Tevinter Empire.

“We’ve talked about Minrathous in previous games, and now you’ll finally be able to visit! It’s a city built on and fuelled by magic, and the ways in which that has come through in its visual identity, and what that looks like in comparison to previous cities we’ve visited in Dragon Age, are pretty spectacular.”

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Credit: BioWare
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Credit: BioWare

The post added that the the Alpha milestone is “an extremely important one for us”, thought noted “there’s more work to be done”.

“We also want to continue being transparent with you, our community, and keep you up to date on what we’re crafting. Hopefully, you’ve been enjoying our development updates on Dreadwolf this year as we’ll be looking to share more in the future.”

BioWare recently confirmed that players who play Dragon Age: Dreadwolf won’t need to have played the original trilogy.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf has been a balance of providing answers to long-standing questions for veteran fans while making a game that new players, or someone who only played [Inquisition] years ago, can also get into,” a blog post explained.

Narrative editor Ryan Cormier also added that “it’s a varied audience, and development for Dreadwolf has included conversations about how the team can simultaneously reward our returning fans and welcome new ones.”

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