Britney Spears to address Los Angeles court in hearing about her conservatorship

Britney Spears‘ father Jamie Spears is reportedly set to step down as her conservator.

New legal documents viewed by TMZ state that Jamie, who has been in charge of the conservatorship since 2008 and come under intense scrutiny recently as a result of the #FreeBritney campaign, wants an “orderly transition” to a new conservator.

According to TMZ, the documents said that while Spears believes he is the “unremitting target of unjustified attacks, he does not believe that a public battle with his daughter over his continuing service as her conservator would be in her best interests.

“So, even though he must contest this unjustified Petition for his removal, Mr. Spears intends to work with the Court and his daughter’s new attorney to prepare for an orderly transition to a new conservator.”

The documents added: “Regardless of his formal title, Mr. Spears will always be Ms. Spears’ father, he will always love her unconditionally, and he will always look out for her best interests.”

Britney Spears conservatorship
Campaigners during a #FreeBritney event. CREDIT: Sky

When contacted by TMZ, Britney’s lawyer Mathew Rosengart said: “We are pleased but not necessarily surprised that Mr. Spears and his lawyer finally recognise that he must be removed. We are disappointed, however, by their ongoing shameful and reprehensible attacks on Ms. Spears and others.”

He added: “We look forward to continuing our vigorous investigation into the conduct of Mr. Spears, and others, over the past 13 years, while he reaped millions of dollars from his daughter’s estate, and I look forward to taking Mr. Spears’s sworn deposition in the near future. In the interim, rather than making false accusations and taking cheap shots at his own daughter, Mr. Spears should step aside immediately.”

Earlier this week, a judge for the Los Angeles probate court has denied a request made by Rosengart to expedite a hearing focusing on whether the singer’s father, Jamie Spears, should be removed from his role in her conservatorship.

The expedition request follows a petition from Rosengart to have Jamie removed as conservator, citing a section of the probate code which gives the court the power to remove a conservator if it “is in the best interests” of the conservatee.

Britney Spears performing 2016
Britney Spears performing in 2016 CREDIT: Getty Images

Jamie’s lawyers recently denied any justification for him being removed as the conservator for Britney’s estate, writing in a court document filed last Friday (August 6) that he has “dutifully and faithfully served as the conservator of his daughter’s estate without any blemishes on his record”.

Last month, it was reported that Britney’s doctors support Jamie being ousted from his role, as per her current personal conservator, Jodi Montgomery. Montgomery also supported a call for certified public accountant Jason Rubin to be instated in Jamie’s place.

Last month, Britney Spears addressed a court hearing over the case, saying she wants her father charged with conservatorship abuse. “This conservatorship is literally allowing my dad to rule my life,” she said. “That is abuse, and we all know it.”

The post Britney Spears’ father Jamie reportedly set to step down as her conservator appeared first on NME.


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