During the question-and-answer portion of his January 27 spoken-word show at Riffe Center Theatre Complex in Columbus, Ohio, IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson was asked to name his favorite female vocalist of all time. He said: “The one that rolls off the tip of my tongue is Ann Wilson from HEART. Although she didn’t have the kind of ā not charisma; notoriety or whatever of somebody like a Janis Joplin, an equally great voice and things like that, she’s just a complete all-arounder. The most amazing voiceā¦ A beautiful folk singer, fantastic metal singer with a lovely edge to it, flawless technique. Honestly, not worthy. Amazing.”
Dickinson is considered one of the world’s most storied musicians. Aside from decades spent delivering high-octane performances with his larger-than-life persona in IRON MAIDEN, Bruce has lived an extraordinary off-stage existence too. A true polymath, his accomplishments include: pilot and airline captain, aviation entrepreneur, beer brewer, motivational speaker, film scriptwriter, twice-published novelist and Sunday Times best-selling author, radio presenter, TV actor, sports commentator and international fencerā¦ to name but a few.
Bruce‘s spoken-word show is split into two parts. The first section sees him take a humorous and often satirical look at the world from his own very personal perspective, treating the audience to private insights into his drive and ambition, peppered with plenty of MAIDEN anecdotes, and a myriad of other experiences encompassing not just the giddy heights but also the extreme lows, as told first-hand in his inimitable anarchic style, punctuated with photographs, videos and sometimes even erupting into song a cappella, to illustrate a point. The final section of the evening is devoted entirely to the aforementioned question-and-answer session, with the opportunity to pose questions on any subject whatsoever. As Bruce‘s answers are all completely improvised ā the more left-field and quirky the question, the more interesting and compelling the response is likely to be.