Behaviour Interactive has announced that the next paid DLC pack for Dead By Daylight will be a collaboration with Konami’s Silent Hill franchise.
The new content was revealed on the Dead By Daylight website, alongside a brand-new trailer. The DLC pack will include Silent Hill’s famed monster, Pyramid Head, a new survivor Cheryl Mason (a.k.a Heather from Silent Hill 3), and the Midwich Elementary School map.
The Silent Hill DLC will be wide released on June 16 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The crossover is also available now via the game’s public test build on Steam. However, it is unknown if the Silent Hill update will be available for the iOS and Android versions of Dead By Daylight, which launched last month.
Watch the trailer below.
Pyramid Head’s attacks will be different from other killers in the game. The monster will have a ranged attack that can penetrate objects and can use his blade to dig trenches that survivors will be forced to navigate through or around. He will also send his captured victims to the Cage Of Atonement, instead of hanging them on the game’s traditional meathook.
The crossover will also feature a collaboration between Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka, and Dead By Daylight composer Michel F. April to create a new Silent Hill-inspired version of Dead By Daylight’s theme song.
This is the second time that a Dead By Daylight DLC pack is being based off another game franchise, the first being a Left 4 Dead crossover in 2017. Every other DLC in the game so far has been inspired by popular horror film franchises, including A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Scream.
Dead By Daylight is a 4v1 asymmetrical survival horror game that was released on PC in June 2016, before being released on PS4 and Xbox One in June 2017. A Nintendo Switch port was released in September 2019.
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