Dee Snider has endorsed singer-songwriter Clay Aiken‘s latest congressional bid, saying the former “American Idol” contestant is “smart” and “fearless.”

Aiken announced Monday that he would run for Congress as a Democrat for a second time after being beaten in a 2014 House race. The 43-year-old Democrat is looking to become the first openly gay congressional member to represent either of the Carolinas.

Earlier today, Snider shared Aiken‘s announcement video on Twitter, and he wrote in an accompanying message: “This may surprise some of you (Seriously?), but I endorse @clayaiken . Clay is smart, decent, hard working, caring, well spoken & fearless. Pretty much everything most congressmen are not. I’m not from N.Carolina, but if I was I’d vote for him! #JoinTheChorus”

In his announcement video, Aiken, who is running as a Democrat to represent the newly drawn 6th district, said: “If the loudest and most hateful voices think they are going to speak for us, just tell them I’m warming up the old vocal cords.” He also highlighted issues like income equality, access to health care and climate change while promising to focus on infrastructure and inflation if elected.

“I also believe we need more civility in our politics, and North Carolina deserves representatives in Washington who use their positions to make people’s lives better, not to advance polarizing positions that embarrass our state and stand in the way of real progress,” Aiken said.

Snider found himself in the middle of controversy in 2016 when he asked Donald Trump to stop using the 1984 TWISTED SISTER anthem “We’re Not Gonna Take It” in his campaign.

Dee, who got to know Trump personally after appearing more than once on “The Celebrity Apprentice”, had been an outspoken critic of America’s 45th president, tweeting incessantly against Trump‘s administration and blasting Trump as “a commie-loving traitor” who is prostituting our democracy. He has also engaged in heated Twitter fights with Trump followers, some of whom had taken issue with his colorful delivery and unapologetic tone.

Last month, Snider said that he is “pro-choice” on the issue of abortion, and believes that we should let the women have a choice in what they want to do with their bodies.

Snider voiced his views on the hot-button topic while responding to STRYPER frontman Michael Sweet, who blasted a group of abortion rights activists for swallowing abortion pills near the U.S. Supreme Court Building to protest to a court challenge that could reverse Roe vs. Wade.


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