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Piers Morgan has revealed that a prank-caller posing as him managed to call Donald Trump last year.

The former president was on Air Force One when the call arrived, Morgan said in a new interview.

Speaking on the BBC‘s Americast podcast, Morgan revealed that the security breach took place in October 2020 after the pair fell out over Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Morgan went on to reveal that he only realised that the prank call had taken place when Trump phoned him back while he was on his way to vote in the US Election in Florida in November.

Calling it “an absolutely hilarious story,” Morgan recounted how “somebody had called [Trump] pretending to be me the day before and got through to him on Air Force One”.

Referencing his recent criticism of Trump, Morgan added: “We had a very nice conversation… I always got on well with Trump,” but cited his “character flaws – the chronic narcissism, the desire to make everything about himself” as the reason he was, in Morgan’s eyes, a “useless leader”.

On Wednesday (January 20), Donald Trump made his final speech as president as he and his family left The White House for the last time in advance of Joe Biden’s inauguration.

In the speech, Trump told his supporters that “we will back in some form” in the future. “Have a good life,” he said. “We will see you soon.”

Piers Morgan said he was “delighted” to win the award for Villain Of The Year at the NME Awards 2020 last February.

“Delighted to announce I have won (again) NME‘s coveted Villain of the Year award,” he tweeted. “Their readers are the people I most enjoy annoying, so this is particularly pleasing. Thanks to everyone who voted.”

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