During a recent Twitch livestream, DRAGONFORCE guitarists Herman Li and Sam Totman had some fun by attempting to write a SABATON-style song in 10 minutes.
“We’ve known SABATON for so long,” Li said. Totman added: “I read this interview with them, and apparently, we were like their first-ever tour. I didn’t even realize it at the time, but that was like their first tour they ever did.”
Herman said to his bandmate: “I think we should force you to write a SABATON song right now. Then we can finish a SABATON album within, what? An hour?”
Video of the resulting session has since been uploaded to DRAGONFORCE‘s official YouTube channel and can be seen below.
Two years ago, SABATON bassist PĂ€r Sundström told Finland’s Soundi magazine that the first tour his group did in 2006 as the support act for EDGUY and DRAGONFORCE “inspired us a lot. Most young bands dream of going on tours and we were no different,” he said. “Thanks to one crew member of EDGUY who had heard our album ‘Primo Victoria’, we ended up on this tour. After the tour, we emerged with a lot of newly born SABATON fans but with empty accounts. It was a different time then, and as we realized later, bands nowadays don’t accept the kind of deals that were offered then. We were also ran over by some management who put a lot of costs on us that maybe we should not have accepted. But it was part of the deal and we were a small band without any power behind for negotiation, so we ended up paying not only our own expenses for the tour but also covering expenses for EDGUY and DRAGONFORCE.”
DRAGONFORCE‘s recent European and North American tour dates marked the band’s first with new bassist and backing vocalist Alicia Vigil (VIGIL OF WAR), who joined DRAGONFORCE in January. Last August, DRAGONFORCE parted ways with longtime bassist FrĂ©dĂ©ric Leclercq. Playing bass for the group at some its shows late last year was Damien Rainaud, who produced the band’s latest album, “Extreme Power Metal”.
SABATON‘s ninth full-length album, “The Great War”, came out in July 2019 via Nuclear Blast Records. The band’s 20th-anniversary record is a concept effort covering stories from the First World War.