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Battlefield V

EA have said the next Battlefield title can be expected later this year, and will feature more players in a match at once than ever before.

Reference to the release of the game was made during EA’s third quarter earnings call, which took place on Tuesday (February 2) according to VGC.

During the call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson said: “Our next Battlefield experience will mark a return to all out military warfare,” before continuing ,”The game takes full advantage of the power of next generation platforms to bring massive immersive battles to life with more players than ever before.”

Whilst no specific details about the launch date, name, or release platforms were given in the call, Wilson said: “Featuring maps with unprecedented scale, the next edition of Battlefield takes all the destruction, player agency, vehicle and weapon combat that the franchise is known for and elevates it to another level”.

Battlefield V received its final update in June 2020, which added the Al Marj Encampment and Provence maps also added a slew of new weapons, gadgets and grenades across all four classes.

Six never-seen-before vehicles have also been added, five for the U.S. Faction and one for the German Faction. The patch also includes a number of UI and bug fixes.

During the earnings call, it was also confirmed that EA would continue to make Star Wars games in the future, despite their exclusivity agreement with Disney ending in 2023.

When talking about the franchise, Wilson said, Iif you look at our history with Star Wars, we’ve had a long and very profitable relationship, first with LucasArts or Lucasfilm, and then with Lucasfilm as part of Disney.”

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