EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt says that he is still waiting for his COVID-19 test results, more than 10 days after he first revealed he was exhibiting all the symptoms of the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

The San Francisco Bay Area-based axeman, who was tested — along with his wife — on March 20, took to his Instagram earlier today to write: “Well, if I’m gonna be locked away waiting for test results for COVID 19, there’s no one on earth I’d rather be in quarantine with than my better half @lisaholt777 ! Feeling human again, still no test results yet( hopefully tomorrow!) but I’m not feeling sick anymore. Lost 16 pounds. And not the way I would prefer! But I’ve laughed a ton the last couple of days while binge watching stupid shit with my wife! Her and I are what we call ‘tuned in’, we get the same jokes and laugh at the same shit! Now if I could just get these fucking test results and figure out when I will get to see the kids and grandkids!!”

Holt, who spent most of the past nine years touring with SLAYER, broke the news of his condition on March 18, saying that he had been feeling “mildly sick” since returning from “The Bay Strikes Back 2020” tour earlier in the month. Joining EXODUS on the trek were TESTAMENT and DEATH ANGEL.

On March 16, San Francisco Bay Area officials unveiled aggressive and restrictive measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The “shelter in place” order asks nearly seven million residents of six counties in the Bay Area to remain home as much as possible. It will last until April 7.

Early symptoms of COVID-19 include fever and dry cough. Some people also experience fatigue, headaches and, less frequently, diarrhea. Shortness of breath can develop within about five days.

Every third patient in China — the country with the most confirmed cases worldwide — experienced sputum production, which is thick mucus coughed up from the lungs, according to WHO (World Health Organization).

Officials have made it clear that the elderly — especially those with heart, lung and immunological conditions — are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus.

According to the Centers For Disease Control And Protection (CDC), coronavirus is thought to spread mainly from person to person — between people who are in close contact with one another (within about six feet), and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.


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