Fallout 3

Almost 13 years after launching on PC, Fallout 3 has been updated to remove Games For Windows Live from the game.

Announced via Steam yesterday (October 12), Bethesda Softworks has patched Fallout 3 to no longer require Games For Windows Live to play. As well as mentioning that “the title no longer requires Games For Windows Live and will now launch”, Bethesda noted that Fallout 3 will also stop installing “Games For Windows Live dependencies”.

Games For Windows Live was discontinued in 2014, and since then Fallout 3 has been notoriously difficult to play through Steam. Trying to launch the game without Games For Windows Live would often result in Fallout 3 not launching, meaning that before yesterday players needed to either mod the title or download defunct Games For Windows Live files to play.

Unfortunately for Fallout 3, the removal of Games For Windows Live also means that Bethesda’s apocalyptic RPG will also lose all achievement support, as they were tied to the service.

When Fallout 3 launched on GOG several years ago, Games For Windows Live requirements and several other issues were patched out of the game.

Microsoft‘s platform – which was mandatory on games like Dark Souls, Grand Theft Auto 4 and more – was unpopular with PC gamers for years. As well as requiring Steam players to create an additional account to play an online game, the service often caused further issues for players who had a shaky internet connection.

In other news, developers for Hearthstone Mercenaries have teased an upcoming ranked mode for the new game mode. Speaking to NME, associate game designer Ates Bayraktaroglu said “we’re excited to see how players interact with mercenaries right now – as we become more aware of what players want within this mode, we will adapt accordingly”.

The post ‘Fallout 3’ finally removes notorious Games For Windows Live requirement appeared first on NME.


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