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Fortnite Season 5 is here and brings with it another big old map change with both new and old locations scattered around the world. Whether you’re looking for the new Fortnite Season 5 locations or the old ones, you’ll find everything you need right here. As ever, the map is full of chaotic chasms and dramatic districts for you to land in and loot in, and while the best places to be are still usually the busiest, it still helps to know everywhere on the map.

Fornite Chapter 2, Season 5 new locations at a glance

  • Colossal Colosseum
  • Hunter’s Haven
  • Salty Towers
  • Stealthy Stronghold
  • The Zero Point

Colossal Colosseum

Fortnite. Credit: Epic Games

Given that Colosseum inherently means large anyway, this area is basically called “really large large place”. You’ll find this area just to the north-east of the centre of the map. It’s not a particularly large area, despite its name, but it is a rather imposing structure. You’ll likely first see it as a gigantic set of walls, unless you’re actively dropping down there. While you can just walk on through the big ol’ doors, you’re probably better off building yourself a nice ramp to get in.

Once inside you’ll be treated to a view of the arena itself, which has major Ancient Greece vibes. It’s not a bad place to find some loot, and while initially it looks like a simple area, there are tunnels dotted around all over the place that you can use to hide in, lay traps, or escape in.

Combat tip

Colossal Colosseum tends to suit close-midrange battles. You’ll be able to get a lot out of a shotgun or SMG in the tunnels, but you’re going to struggle a lot out in the open without something a bit more reliable like an assault rifle of some kind.

Hunter’s Haven

Fortnite. Credit: Epic Games

Hunter’s Haven is a collection of what look like luxury apartments. You know, the kind of place you see when a neighbourhood is straight-up flexing about how much money you need to just be in the general area. Basically, it’d be a nice place to live if it wasn’t for all of the battle royales going on constantly. You can find it just to the south of the centre of the map.

Combat tip

It’s a decently-sized area with a lot of buildings dotted around. It’s also got a lot of verticality thanks to the hills and the buildings themselves, so you can get into some entertaining fights here. We recommend you stick to midrange weaponry where possible though, because you’re more likely to get into a fight moving between buildings than you are while you’re inside of them.

Salty Towers

Fortnite. Credit: Epic Games

Salty Towers is currently in need of a bit of a dusting. It’s an area just to the west of the centre of the map, just at the edge of the new desert. It’s a big old collection of different building types, and you can find a fair bit of loot here as a result. We’re big fans of the tower, but you’ll make yourself a bit of a target if you hang around at the top of it for too long.

Combat tip

Thanks to the mix of structures here you can find a lot of good places to lay in wait for people to pass you. It’s also a good place to hunker down if you find yourself within the circle there. However, while the inside areas suit close-range weaponry, you’re far more likely to need some mid range weapons to take on most people who enter the area. There are a lot of long sightlines around, and if you go in without something that can cover that distance you’re probably going to get taken out.

Stealthy Stronghold

Fortnite. Credit: Epic Games

This might be one of the most interesting new Fortnite Season 5 locations. This is a massive jungle surrounded by huge walls. It looks a lot like it’s trying to keep something in rather than trying to keep something out. You know, like something you’d see in a film that’s all about breeding dinosaurs and trying to turn them into an amusement park or other intelligent ideas. You can find it to the north-east of the map and it’s quite hard to miss due to the size of it.

As one of the larger areas, Stealthy Stronghold has a lot going on for it. While there are a lot of trees here, making it excellent if you fancy grabbing some wood, there’s still a lot of room to move. There’s also a few small hills and a river running through the area as well as a couple of buildings.

Combat tip

While it is one of the more diverse areas on the map, it’s also one of the trickiest to fight in. Generally speaking, you’re going to need a decent SMG or assault rifle to fight well in here. However, if you’re happy to ambush people then you can get a lot of use out of a shotgun. It’s important not to stick in any one place for too long though, as nowhere is as safe as it feels due to the plethora of lines of sight.

The Zero Point

Fortnite. Credit: Epic Games

The Zero Point currently resides above a dangerous desert in the centre of the map. It’s a good place to go if you’re spoiling for a fight, but you’ll need to stay on the move if you want to stay safe. This is because not only is there nowhere to hide, but the desert will happily swallow you up if you stand still. The good news though, is that you can actually use this to your advantage.

While sinking sand was basically the de facto threat in every film from the ’80s, it turns out that you can use it in Fortnite to hide from foes. You see, standing still will drag you under, but you’ll then become a bump in the sand until you jump out. This can be quite useful for laying low, and can also make for some excellent surprise attacks too.

Combat tip

Due to the bare minimum of cover in the area, you’ll need to keep mid-long range weapons on you to survive any fights. While mid range is enough for most of the battles you’ll face here, you’re also definitely going to get shot at by snipers, and you need to be able to fight back when that happens. This isn’t a place to go unless you’re confident in your skills.

The post ‘Fortnite’ guide: all the new locations in Chapter 2, Season 5 appeared first on NME | Music, Film, TV, Gaming & Pop Culture News.


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