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A crew member on the set of Geechee in the Dominican Republic has been shot multiple times by police.

Geechee is a thriller co-produced by Jamie Foxx that stars Andrea Riseborough as a scientist who leaves her New York home to start a new life in the Sea Islands.

Deadline has reported that police opened fire on a convoy of cars containing crew with one unidentified international crew member being shot several times.

The publication reports that they suffered minor injuries and have now left hospital and been flown home.

Jamie Foxx
‘Geechee’ is a thriller co-produced by Jamie Foxx

The incident is reported to have taken place on Wednesday, September 2 at the Lantica Pinewood Dominican Republic Studios, in what appears to have been a case of mistaken identity involving undercover local drug enforcement agents.

Crew members were on location when they were approached by police and held at gunpoint, until they were eventually confirmed to be innocent bystanders, according to the outlet.

Production for the thriller has been fully shut down while an investigation takes place. There has not been any decisions made on whether the film will continue to shoot in the country or if production will relocate to another location.

Speaking to Deadline, Lantica Media, the production that operates the Pinewood site said “Lantica Media has requested a thorough investigation from the national authorities. The authorities have been cooperative and are working to ensure that a similar incident does not happen again in the future.

“For Lantica Media, the top priority is to guarantee the safety and well-being of its productions, this being the first time that an event of this nature has occurred in any of the 50 plus productions serviced by Lantica since its inception.”

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