John Boyega

John Boyega has praised the Marvel Cinematic Universe for “elevating” black characters onscreen.

The actor, speaking on NPR’s Fresh Air, shared his thoughts on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and the “special moments” given to Anthony Mackie’s character.

“The characters are only as good as the moments that you give them,” Boyega began.

“When we talk about, you know, Captain America and him kind of facing off Thanos and his army, when you talk about these moments that are given to characters, it’s only because these moments are written by somebody.

“These moments are put in there on purpose to elevate characters.”

He continued: “We’ve got people now watching The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, and a lot of people have been commenting about the elevation of Falcon’s character – right? – in the series and how they’ve really done well with bringing him up, which I also agree as well.

“You know, that’s because you give characters these special moments. But then what then happens when, you know, some moments feel like you’re being bypassed and it kind of goes for years and years and things pile on?”

John Boyega, Star Wars, The Rise Of Skywalker
John Boyega as Finn in ‘Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker’ CREDIT: ILM and Lucasfilm Ltd./The Hollywood Archive

Boyega had previously raised his concerns after playing Finn in the Star Wars universe, saying he felt actors of colour had been sidelined in the narrative.

“As you go along and all these issues pile on top, you know, I just thought it was, you know, quite important to say something, so it’s not an elephant in the room,” he continued to NPR.

“And I think that, you know, more conversations have even been bubbling with other actors now in different projects and franchises… things that they noticed as well. It’s a conversation worth having, to be honest.”

Elsewhere, Boyega recently confirmed he will be starring in Attack The Block 2, reprising the character from 2011 which was his first major film role.

The post John Boyega praises Marvel for “elevating” black characters appeared first on NME.


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