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Kanye West

Kanye West‘s 2020 presidential campaign is facing accusations of deceiving voters for signatures in order to qualify on the Virginia ballot.

As reported by The Washington Post, two signed affidavits were submitted to the State Board of Elections by voters who claim they were deceived into signing up to serve as electors for West to get on the Virginia ballot. Another woman separately alleged that someone tried to get a vote for West from her under false pretences.

Matthan Wilson, a 53-year-old teacher who submitted one of the affidavits, told the Washington Post that he was riding his bicycle when he was approached by three people who asked him if he wanted to “serve in a statewide pool of electors”.

Wilson said he signed, realising some days later that their request didn’t make sense because electors are chosen by political parties. Over a week after he signed, he learned from a reporter he had been named as one of West’s pledged electors.

“I am so embarrassed,” Wilson told the publication.

“I don’t want to be an elector for Kanye West. I don’t want to vote for Kanye West. I only like one or two of his songs… I feel that I’ve been cheated.”

West did make the threshold of 5,000 signatures to qualify as an independent candidate in Virginia, though it is still unclear how these accusations will affect that.

This is just the latest hurdle West’s campaign has reached, having recently been barred from running as a candidate in both Wisconsin and Wyoming for submitting late paperwork and signatures.

After being barred from the Wisconsin ballot, he was then removed from the ballots in both Ohio and Illinois.

West is also reportedly suing Ohio election chief, Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose, in an effort to help secure his place on the ballot.

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