Kanye West

Kanye West has said that “men [and] celebrities are not allowed to cry” in a new online post he’s titled ‘DEAD’.

West, who is now legally known as ‘ye’, posted the second in a new series of poetic posters on Instagram earlier today (March 8). It follows on from a similar post called ‘DIVORCE’ which West shared last Friday (March 4).

Captioning the post, West wrote: “I feel already compromised that I have to justify my expression after over 20 years of art that I’ve contributed to the planet but I also see the need to make sure we as a species are allowed to still feel anything.

“Men not allowed to cry celebrities not allowed to cry I will not explain this new piece for the explanation destroys the mystery and magic of true love and puts it in a box that can be counted.”

He added: “Art is subjective Art only works when it is the artist absolute truth Someone’s truth can be another persons lie We don’t all have to feel the same because we are not the same With out further ado I present to you my latest creation it is called DEAD.”

The bleak poem, which you can see above, sees West imagining that he’s in “purgatory” and is deceased.

He writes: “I found out one day at the newsstand in pergatory [sic] there was a front page article of my murderer’s story… I was so surprised at what it said / This info is for the living / And surprise… You’re DEAD.”

Elsewhere in the poem, he alludes to his ongoing divorce from his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, writing “My kids would dance for me in a home I once led.”

Last week, West appeared to address the backlash he faced over the music video for his track ‘Eazy’.

The clip featured a claymation version of SNL comedian Pete Davidson – who is currently dating West’s ex-wife Kim Kardashian – being kidnapped and buried alive.

“Everyone lived happily ever after, except Skete you know who – JK he’s fine,” a series of title cards read at the end of the video. The track itself also includes the lyric: “God saved me from that crash / Just so I can beat Pete Davidson’s ass”.

After West shared the ‘Eazy’ video, The Suicide Squad director James Gunn spoke out on Davidson’s behalf, as has Kaley Cuoco.

The post Kanye West says “men and celebrities are not allowed to cry” in new ‘DEAD’ post appeared first on NME.


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