Consequence of Sound

Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon has a recipe for a better future, and she shares it in a new Super Tuesday PSA touting the policies of Bernie Sanders.

Gordon posted the deadpan cooking video on Twitter Monday night. Directed by Mariko Munro and written by Elaine Kahn, it’s a simple enough idea: Gordon brandishes helpfully-labelled ingredients such as “Medicare For All” and “Ban For-Profit Prisons” and drops them into a mixing bowl. After a brisk whisk — and after the sound designer has had approximately 7,000% too much fun — Gordon pours a rainbow batter into a pan, which later pops out of the oven as a blue and white cake with the words “Bernie” frosted across the top. Check out the full video below.

Super Tuesday is today, March 3rd, and in the Democratic primaries approximately 34% of all pledged delegates are up for grabs. While polls suggest a close race between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, Sanders has a huge lead among the kind of people who share their political views on-line. That goes double for celebrities, and in recent weeks the Senator from Vermont has received the public support of Jeff Mangum, Neil Young, Dick Van Dyke, and more. Chuck D is a fan but Flavor Flav is not, which is how a Sanders rally indirectly led to Flav getting fired from Public Enemy.

Last year, Kim Gordon released her debut solo album No Home Record, and is currently supporting it with a world tour. She’ll be making stops at festivals including All Points East, Primavera Sound, Northside (Denmark), NOS Primavera Sound, and Pitchfork Music Festival. Tickets to all of her shows are available here.


Kim Gordon Bakes Bernie Sanders a Cake in Super Tuesday PSA: Watch


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