The demand for the time limited Monster Hunter Rise demo has caused some problems for users of the Switch’s eShop.
When users tried to log in to the store they were met by the message “The server is currently undergoing maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please try again later.”
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This was followed by an update on Nintendo Japan’s Customer service Twitter account, which when translated stated that “access is concentrated on the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch, so software downloads are not starting immediately.”
現在、Nintendo Switchのニンテンドーeショップにアクセスが集中しているため、ソフトのダウンロードがすぐに開始されない状態が発生しています。お手数ですが、ダウンロード開始までしばらくお待ちください。
— 任天堂サポート (@nintendo_cs) January 8, 2021
Shortly after the Nintendo eShop underwent maintenance for a few hours on January 8, in order to fix issues that users were having with downloading the demo.
Monster Hunter Rise is the latest in Capcom’s long running Monster Hunter series, and is set for release on March 26 this year.
The demo itself features a Basic Training Quest which is designed to take players through the new mechanics in the game, namely the Wire Bug. There is also a Wyvern Riding Training Quest, which teaches players how to use iron silk to jump on the back of large monsters and control t hem in battle.
The meat of the demo is in its two monster hunts, the first of which is a beginner quest which sees the player tackle a Great Izuchi, a brand new Bird Wyvern that has been introduced with Rise.
The second is an intermediate quest setting players against a Mizutsune, the leviathan type monster that targets hunters with immobilizing bubbles whilst it moves in a dance-like manner.
The demo is time-limited, and is currently set to expire on the 31st of January.
The post ‘Monster Hunter Rise’ demo popularity causes eShop to struggle appeared first on NME | Music, Film, TV, Gaming & Pop Culture News.