Neill Blomkamp Halo

Around the time of Halo 3, District 9 director Neill Blomkamp was working on a live action version of Halo and in a new interview, he’s revealed what his time was like on set. Turns out it was bloody.

Working alongside Bungie, Blomkamp was involved with creating various shorts that would presumably create the foundations for the film. And while the movie never materialised, the shorts have been collected in a 7-minute video which fans have dubbed Halo Landfall.

Shooting those shorts ended up costing Blomkamp part of his ear though. Speaking to Gameinformer, he explained how “I’m the only person who has bled real blood on a Halo Warthog while in some form of combat.”

What happened was that Blomkamp was in the Warthog vehicle when it was driving around. “I was strapped down in the rear with a camera. And the director of photography was strapped on the other side with his own camera and we were filming pieces of that short film. Then the stunt driver hit a bump at really high speed and launched both of us up out of the back of the Warthog.”

“Based on how we hit the bump, I was thrown right into the gun. So the lockdown rotating gun, which is solid steel gear, just offs a piece of my ear. So then the medic on set had to take me out, we finished shooting and that night I had to go get plastic surgery.”

“I had to have my right ear re-built with a prosthetic with plastic surgery, it completely destroyed my right ear making these shorts. It was quite intense. It was fun, though. I love those pieces, but there was a whole bunch of crazy shit that happened on those shorts.”

In other news, superpowers are coming to Knockout City this week as part of their Season 2 updates. Players will be assigned a random power as part of a new 3v3 gaming mode as well having the opportunity to earn special cosmetic items.

The post Neill Blomkamp ripped his ear off while filming ‘Halo’ shorts appeared first on NME.


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