Mass Effect

Gary McKay has been announced as Mass Effect studio BioWare’s new general manager (GM), and he aims to deliver on a “promise of quality”.

McKay’s new role was revealed this morning in a BioWare blog post. He joined BioWare in January 2020 and became interim GM in December of last year.

The post reads: “I started my career in the industry with EA back in 1998, and it was so exciting to see the studio and company grow in the early days. I spent the next seven years with EA before moving on. But now you could say I’ve come full circle.”

His measurement of success at the studio hinges on BioWare’s quality and reputation, as he said: “For me, success is all about rebuilding that reputation, and delivering on that promise of quality.”

Mass Effect Legendary Edition screenshot
Mass Effect Credit: EA

The news arrives a month after the release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Which saw all of the three original Mass Effect titles and all content expansions released in one package. The collection also featured improved graphics and a number of gameplay improvements.

McKay took the role after Casey Hudson and Mark Darrah left BioWare last December.Both figures were pivotal in the development of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age franchises. In his own post, Hudson said:

“Arriving at this point has been an opportunity for me to reflect on my own future, and 2020 has been a year that forced all of us to re-imagine how we think about work and life.”

“For me, it’s been the realisation that I still have tremendous energy to create, but also that I need to try something different,” added Hudson.

In other news, Cyberpunk 2077 is once again visible on the PS5 store, except you can’t buy it.

It’s only available to be wishlisted or redownloaded if you already own the digital version. The game is also not currently visible on the PS4 store or Sony’s online browser.

The post New BioWare manager wants to restore studio’s reputation appeared first on NME.


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