Competitive FPS shooter Overwatch received an Xbox Series X and S update on Wednesday, which introduced 120fps gameplay.
The update also features three new graphics options modes; resolution, balanced and framerate. Resolution favours a higher resolution output, providing a 4k image on the Series X and a 1440p image on the Series S.
Balanced mode focuses on image quality over resolution, providing better visual assets in game at 1080p on the Series S and 1440p on the Series X.
The most significant feature in the update comes in the form of a framerate mode, which enables players to run the game at 120fps. Image quality and resolution takes a hit across both consoles, but the frame count is doubled. This is important in a competitive title like Overwatch as it gives players more visible feedback during gameplay, meaning there is more time to react.
Users looking to take advantage of the new framerate mode will need a compatible high-refresh monitor which supports 120hz or variable-refresh rates.
The Xbox Series S & X are the first next generation consoles to receive an Overwatch patch, although the team working on the title didn’t release an official announcement for the update. Instead rolling out the visual improvements and updates as part of a larger patch.
No visual updates have been announced for the PlayStation 5, but it could arrive randomly in a similar fashion to the Xbox Series X and S update.
Blizzard Entertainment is currently working on the sequel to Overwatch, and released new information at the developer’s annual conference BlizzCon. Overwatch 2 will build on the game’s established formula while introducing new characters, levels and redesigns for existing fan favourites.
There’s no planned release date yet, but Blizzard Entertainment has told fans not to expect the title in 2021, hinting at a 2022 release date.
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