Jim Caviezel QAnon

Actor Jim Caviezel was singled out for quoting Braveheart during a recent QAnon conference.

Caviezel, who starred in Count of Monte Cristo and Passion of the Christ, delivered a speech at the event in Las Vegas over the weekend, where many noticed the similarities with a monologue delivered by Mel Gibson in the 1995 film.

The actor was recorded as stating several lines from Braveheart in his 20-minute speech, including “you can take our lives, but you can never take our freedom” and “every man dies. Not every man truly lives.”

The speech reportedly went on to say: “We must fight for that authentic freedom and live my friends.

“By God, we must live and with the Holy Spirit as your shield and Christ as your sword may you join Saint Michael and all the other angels in defending God and sending Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong.”

You can watch Caviezel’s full speech here:

Several voices from the film industry have hit back at Caviezel’s speech and politics, with the actor’s Thin Red Line co-star Kirk Acevedo criticising his monologue.

“Your words are dangerous and filled with hate,” Acevedo wrote. “What happened my friend?”

Film critic Mark Kermode also criticised the actor’s trajectory, nodding to his role in Passion of the Christ as a link with the conspiracy theories the QAnon movement believes in.

Kermode wrote: “People complain that horror movies are evil and damaging, but having watched Passion of the Christ star Jim Caviezel go full devil-worshipping QAnon messianic crazy on stage I’m pretty sure that “Christian” movies are more dangerous. Give me Blood Feast over this shit any day.”

The post ‘Passion of the Christ’ star Jim Caviezel quotes ‘Braveheart’ at QAnon conference appeared first on NME.


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