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Pussy Riot have joined forces with Argentinian artists Parcas, Dillom, and Muerejoven for a new protest song titled ‘1312’.

The Russian art punkers shared an animated music video to accompany the heavy song. The song is a critique of femicides (sex-based hate crimes) in Latin America, as well as police violence. According to a press release, the song was inspired by Chile’s 2019 inequality protests.

You can read the artists’ manifesto on Medium or watch it in the below video.

Watch the music video for ‘1312’:

Additionally, Pussy Riot recently stated that they had a music video shoot shut down by police in Saint Petersburg. According to the band, the police allegedly cited the country’s “gay propaganda” law, and accused the band of “extremism” and “making an illegal video”. The visual in question was for the band’s song ‘БЕСИТ / RAGE’.

The Russian ‘gay propaganda law’ is a bill that was unanimously approved by the State Duma on 11 June 2013 – with just one MP abstaining – and was signed into law by President Vladimir Putin on 30 June 2013.

Pussy Riot said at the time of the incident: “We lost $15k on the video production today because of the absurd ‘gay propaganda’ law, and we’ll be thankful if you share this info and/or be kind enough to help us to raise the money to make this video happen anyway.”

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