Matt Hancock

Sara Cox has apologised after a listener on BBC Radio 2 called Matt Hancock a “c***” live on air.

The presenter responded to a listener’s call, going by Jesse from Devon, who requested to hear Queen‘s ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ during the drivetime show on Friday (November 18).

Cox asked Jesse why they had chosen the track, to which the caller replied: “Because Matt Hancock’s a c***.”

The caller was cut off immediately, with Cox then saying: “OK, so we’ve got to cut him off there. This is live radio, this happens. I can only apologise if you’ve got children listening in the car.”

As the track, began, Cox added: “Huge apologies. It is live and here’s the song.”

Listen to the clip here:

Coronavirus justice campaginers flew a plane over the I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! jungle criticising Hancock for his actions during the pandemic.

The 35-foot banner, which reads “Covid bereaved say get out of here!”, was trailed above the camp for two hours last week.

Hancock served as the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care between 2018 and 2021, and was notably involved in a political scandal after breaking his own social distancing guidelines during lockdown.

Matthew McGregor, the chief executive of 38 Degrees, who is working with Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice, said: “No one has forgotten how Matt Hancock conducted himself during the Covid-19 pandemic, not the general public, not his campmates, and certainly not those who lost loved ones.

“Our message emblazoned across the skies makes crystal clear to Matt Hancock, you should be representing the people of West Suffolk and giving Covid Bereaved Families the answers they deserve, rather than playing games for dingo dollars and plastic stars.”

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