In a new interview with "Offstage With DWP", LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe spoke about the band's song "Walk With Me In Hell", which was originally written a decade and a half ago by guitarist Mark Morton for his then-girlfriend who later became his wife. "That song in particular, 'Walk With Me In Hell', is a love song that Mark Morton wrote," Randy explained (see video below). "He wrote the lyrics to that song; that's not my song. But it's a love song. But I've had several people tell me that that song's helped them through very, very serious times in their lives. "I have a friend who told me about… I met her outside a gig in Cincinnati, and she had had a double mastectomy, and the cancer kept on coming back after that, and she listened to that song while she was in the hospital going through chemo and recovering from operation, and it helped her a lot," he continued. "So, to hear stories like that, for me, that's the ultimate compliment a fan can give. "When people [go], 'I love your music. It's fucking brutal, and it's awesome,' that stuff's cool and all — I get it — but when someone says, 'Man, I was having a really bad time in my life and I didn't know what I was gonna do and I didn't have any answers. But listening to your music helped me get through it.' That's, like, okay, I did my job. Because that's what music did for me." As previously reported, LAMB OF GOD's North American tour with MEGADETH, TRIVIUM and IN FLAMES has been rescheduled for 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic which is sweeping the globe. LAMB OF GOD released its new, self-titled album on June 19 via Epic Records in the U.S. and Nuclear Blast Records in Europe. The follow-up to 2015's "VII: Sturm Und Drang" marks LAMB OF GOD's first recordings with Art Cruz, who joined the band last year as the replacement for the group's founding drummer, Chris Adler. "Lamb Of God" was recorded with longtime producer Josh Wilbur (KORN, MEGADETH, GOJIRA, TRIVIUM) and includes special guest appearances by Jamey Jasta (HATEBREED) and Chuck Billy (TESTAMENT).

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