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Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais reportedly turned down an offer to do the first stand-up show in space.

According to The Sun, the After Life comedian was invited to perform a comedy set on a commercial trip to space but wouldn’t want to “risk it”.

“I was offered one of these things where you go up into space for 15 minutes,” Gervais said, apparently calling the idea “mad” and saying “I’m careful crossing the road.”

He added: “It was like a group of billionaires and they offered me the chance to be the first comedian to do a stand-up show in space. I went, ‘No. I’m not going to risk it’.”

Gervais then reportedly expanded on the matter to an unnamed US TV show, saying: “These people have paid $300,000 to go into space and have a look around.

“And then they go, ‘Here’s Ricky Gervais doing ten minutes’. They could watch me on YouTube. And now they’ve blown three hundred thousand? Look out the window!”

Elsewhere, London Zoo recently rejected Ricky Gervais’ wish to be fed to the lions after his death.

Gervais had said he would like to “give something back” to nature, saying: “We eat animals and destroy habits and at least then I could give something back.”

A spokesperson, however, declined the request and said: “I suspect Ricky may be a bit gristly for our lions.”

Reviewing the last season of After Life, Gervais’ existential comedy on Netflix, NME said: “It’s some of his most moving work to date, and if you can stomach the occasional C-bomb, his most rewarding.”

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