Silk Sonic, the duo comprised of Bruno Mars and Anderson .Paak, have confirmed that their debut album will arrive in January 2022.
The pair dropped their soulful debut track ‘Leave the Door Open‘ in March before following it with the self-described “summertime jam” ‘Skate’ last month.
Silk Sonic have now confirmed that their debut album ‘An Evening With Silk Sonic’ will arrive at the start of 2022, after pushing it back from a planned autumn release.
Describing the decision, the pair told Rolling Stone they’d rather put out more songs and let each one be appreciated in its own right. “I don’t want to be binge-watched,” said Mars.
“We’re really in touch-up mode now,” he added of the record’s progress.
“We’ve got the bones of most of the album, so it’s really about touching up parts that need a little more… grease.”
The pair also discussed their friendship, explaining how they first met when .Paak supported Mars on the European leg of his ’24K Magic’ tour in 2016.
“I was opening for the ’24K Magic’ tour,” .Paak recalled, “and a week in, we were in the studio.”
“Real quick!” Mars added.
When it came to collaborating, the pair said they initially aimed to take backstage jokes they had developed on tour, known to them as “jibb talk”, and turn them into songs.
.Paak said “jibb talk” is “bullshit with a smile — we just talk all day and do bits. But it’s all from the heart, because we’re writing from our experiences, from our relationships — it’s rare that two men can come together and talk about love.”
‘An Evening With Silk Sonic’ will mark the first studio album from Mars since 2016’s ’24K Magic’. In 2019, he released a pair of collaborative singles – ‘Please Me’ with Cardi B and ‘Blow’ alongside Ed Sheeran and Chris Stapleton.
.Paak released his fourth studio album ‘Ventura’ in 2019. In May, .Paak directed a music video for the single ‘Motorbike’ by Leon Bridges.
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