John Cooper and Tom Morello

Skillet’s John Cooper has thrown some shade in the direction of Rage Against The Machine, questioning the authenticity of the band’s political opinions.

Back in September, the Christian rocker, who is unvaccinated, voiced some strong opinions about coronavirus vaccine mandates on his Cooper Stuff podcast. They came following US president Joe Biden’s decision to mandate vaccines or negative tests for businesses with more than 100 employees.

“All that’s going on here is an insane power grab,” Cooper said. “This is just an attack on Western values, on freedom, on the things that built the West.” He then referred to Biden’s actions as “bullying tactics” and labelled them a form of “tyranny and totalitarianism”.

In a new interview, Cooper elaborated on his thesis that vaccines are a tool of government control “more about tyranny than they are actually keeping people safe”, while taking a pot shot at RATM in the process.

“What’s really weird to me is that I’ve been speaking out about my faith in Christ for a long, long time in the mainstream world,” Cooper told Apologia Radio. “Now, let’s be honest – not everybody in the mainstream world is nuts about that. They don’t necessarily love hearing about Jesus, but they have always put up with me – some have supported me even. But I’ll tell you what: the most kickback I have ever received – ever – for my faith has been on my stance on vaccine mandates and mask mandates. It is as if I just – like the unforgivable sin.

“So, a lot the bands, they just don’t know what to do … You’re in an entertainment industry that’s largely driven by social media and media at large. You’re not allowed to speak anything against… I mean, you’ve got Rage Against The Machine telling people that if they don’t get a vaccine… Rage Against The Machine has become the machine.

He added: “It’s crazy. I’m, like, wait a minute – I’m the revolutionary here? I’m the revolutionary and Rage Against The Machine is just ‘government rock’ now.”

Meanwhile, Rage guitarist Tom Morello recently defended his unlikely friendship with Ted Nugent, the controversial right-wing musician who has previously shared anti-vax statements, in an interview with NME.

Morello previously told The Howard Stern Show in March that while he and Nugent “certainly have differences, I consider him a friend”.

Speaking to NME about their relationship, Morello said that he “reserves the right to be friends with anybody”.

“I reserve the right to confront opinions I disagree with, with open heartedness and love, or by throwing a brick,” he continued. “That’s up to me.

“In the case of Ted, I know he’s become this right-wing caricature but there have been several times where I have reached him on issues that you might be surprised about. But he is still crazy uncle Ted who says all sorts of shit.”

Morello added: “It can be important to keep an open dialogue with people you disagree with, especially in this global community of disagreements. Sometimes it’s just as important to block them, though.”

Elsewhere, Rage Against The Machine have issued a powerful statement on Kyle Rittenhouse being acquitted of first-degree murder and four other felonies.

The post Skillet’s John Cooper: “Rage Against The Machine is just ‘government rock’ now” appeared first on NME.


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