Skull & Bones

Ubisoft has announced a presentation for Skull & Bones later this week, which will give players their first proper look at the gameplay of the long-delayed pirate game.

Set to air at 7pm BST on Thursday 7 June via YouTube and Twitch, the showcase will feature “new gameplay, our unique take on piracy, and exclusive behind the scenes with developers” of Skull & Bones.

If you tune in 15 minutes beforehand though, you’ll be treated “with a pre-show full of surprises”.

Last month, rumours suggested Ubisoft would reveal further details about Skull & Bones including a release date in the first week of July.

It comes after Skull & Bones was rated for PC, Google Stadia, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S by the Brazillian ratings board. The title was also given a “year of production” of 2022, indicating the title may still be released this year.

Back in March, Ubisoft also opened up an insider program for early playtests of Skull & Bones while the company had also previously confirmed that the ship-sailing game was set to release “before” April 2023 next year.

Skull & Bones was originally revealed at Ubisoft’s 2017 E3 press conference and it was reported last year that the lengthy development cycle and multiple delays were due to a string of directorial changes.

Last week, Ubisoft confirmed it would be looking to raise awareness about the real world effects of climate change using in-game events in both Skull & Bones and Riders Republic.

When it does launch, Skull & Bones will feature an event that “will address resource exploitation, showing what happens in the game world and the real world when the demand for sharks’ fins results in the overfishing of sharks. Players will have the choice to contribute to marine wildlife protection and comprehend the destructive nature of the shark fin trade.”

Ubisoft went on to explain that the activation is “designed to show and encourage collaboration, and instil in players the importance of raising awareness. As players contribute to community challenges, rewards will be unlocked for all players depending on the overall level of participation.”

In other news, a fan-made trailer depicts what classic RPG Fallout: New Vegas could look like if it was made in Unreal Engine 5.

The post ‘Skull & Bones’ gameplay presentation set to take place this week appeared first on NME.


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