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Spelunky 2

Spelunky 2 developer Mossmouth has announced that the game’s online multiplayer mode for PC could be ready by “early December”.

The developer shared the news via a new Steam update, where they announced the possible release window for online multiplayer while cautioning that ongoing work on the PS4 version of the title might delay the mode’s release. Back in September, when Spelunky 2 was first released for PC, online multiplayer had to be delayed due to issues with the mode on console.

“BlitWorks has already finished two of the three major improvements that were planned and our current estimate for when online will be ready is early December,” it said. Mossmouth then detailed its “methodical approach” to the multiplayer update, saying that “significant improvements” have already been released for the PS4 version of the multiplayer mode.

However, the developer also said that the PS4 version will require more substantial updates before the game is “where we want it to be”. Mossmouth noted that the changes will require “more testing” before release, pointing out that PS4 issues also will affect the multiplayer player mode on PC.

“It’s critical that we address these PS4 issues first so that when online comes to PC we’re not dealing with too many problems at once,” it added.

Spelunky 2
Credit: Ewan Wilson / Mossmouth

Mossmouth also said that its extensive post-launch support of the game on PC has also taken time away from online multiplayer mode. The developer described Spelunky 2 as “a more complex game than [the original] by magnitudes, but its launch was also much bigger, which means that there’s been a LOT of feedback”.

“This work does slow down the development of online somewhat, since there’s a lot of overlap in the relatively small team working on Spelunky 2,” Mossmouth added. “In the end, all of this work is going toward the same place, because Spelunky 2 is a game where the different modes and systems are all very interconnected.”

Mossmouth has since confirmed that it will share more updates on the game’s online multiplayer mode for PC in the coming weeks. Spelunky 2 is currently available on PC and PS4.

The post ‘Spelunky 2’ multiplayer mode for PC could be ready by “early December” appeared first on NME Music News, Reviews, Videos, Galleries, Tickets and Blogs | NME.COM.


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