Legendary rocker Ted Nugent has once again criticized Gene Simmons for calling unvaccinated people the “enemy,” saying the KISS bassist/vocalist’s comments are “not truth, logic and common sense.”

In an appearance on Talkshoplive‘s Rock ‘N’ Roll channel two weeks ago, Simmons said that many people were turned away from the band’s recently completed Kiss Kruise because they were not vaccinated. All guests on the cruise, which was on a Norwegian Cruise Line boat, were required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

“If you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy,” the 72-year-old Simmons said on November 10.

“This whole idea, this delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned, is really terrible,” he added. “We’ve got to identify those people and bring them out into the open so you know who they are.”

Nugent, an outspoken conspiracy theorist who has refused to take the vaccine, addressed Simmons‘s comments while condemning the progressive culture of “political correctness” and slamming Democrats for supposedly enacting policies that produce recidivism.

Earlier today, Ted took to his Twitter to write: “Political correctness is the abandonment of humanity

“The left own hypocrisy, and their hypocrisy knows no ends! Truth, logic, and commonsense will set them free! Unarmed and helpless = unarmed and helpless.

“Toxic criminals endanger the good and law abiding among us every time one of these scumbags get released back out into the world. Get involved with your community and ensure someone with truth, logic, and common sense is in the decision making position.

“Recently on the Joe Pags show, I respond to Gene Simmons comments on the unvaccinated. I love Gene, and he is great man and rock solid in the asset column, but those statements are not truth, logic, and common sense.”

During the above-mentioned appearance on the “Joe Pags Show”, Nugent stated about Simmons: “I think [Gene has] been so bombarded. Remember, he lives in Los Angeles. Number one, I love Gene Simmons ā€” he is a great man, rock solid in the asset column. But my own brother, who also spent most of his life in New York and L.A., they are so overwhelmed with lies and hate and misinformation. And when the people on the coast ā€” and I mean overall; only the guilty need to feel guilty ā€” but when they called someone a racist, they are the racist; when they call someone a child molester, it’s usually coming from a child molester. So you’ve gotta give ’em the benefit of the doubt. But the real shocker, I think, and you will agree, is that here’s Gene that speaks truth, logic and common sense most of the time ā€” I really respect the man’s overview ā€” but here’s a man who constantly references, and rightly so, that his mother survived the Holocaust where power-abusing monsters were forcing people to succumb. And then the Nuremberg trials [a series of military tribunals held after World War II to convict Nazis of their war crimes, including six million Jews and other minorities for medical trials] proved that no man, no human has a right to force any unwanted medicine or experiments, like this experimental drug, on people ever again. And here’s Gene Simmons, who is so powerfully educating people about the horrors of demonic Nazism and the Holocaust, and then he compartmentalizes it and literally falls into the chasm of power abuse. It’s much like a lot of my Jewish friends that are anti-gun and think that guns should be banned, which was what Joseph Goebbels and Hitler did.

Joe, on an honest, intellectual level, I cannot explain it,” Ted told host Joe Pags about why Gene made his comments. “I just know that I love Gene Simmons, and I’m gonna call him and try to fix him.”

According to the nonpartisan, nonprofit web site Fact Check, while vaccines reduce the probability of getting infected, they are not 100% effective, so there is a chance that an unvaccinated person could infect a vaccinated person ā€” particularly the vulnerable, such as elderly and immunocompromised individuals. And, despite vaccination providing excellent protection against severe disease, a small proportion of vaccinated people still require ICU care.

More than 59% of the nation’s population are currently fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, while more than 69% have received at least one shot, according to data from the CDC.

More than 776,000 people have died from the coronavirus in the U.S.

Last month, Nugent appeared on “Off The Record” where he once again said that he won’t take the COVID-19 vaccine because the shots that are available in the United States were developed in less than a year are probably fake.

“It’s not a vaccine,” he said. “It’s an experimental shot. Now the FDA was forced to authorize it recently, but they were jabbing people with an experimental shot right up until that fake authorization.

“I don’t believe it’s a vaccine,” he reiterated. “Most of America doesn’t believe it’s a vaccine. The only ones that are taking it are either gullible or being forced because they’re gonna lose their job, lose their life and lose their livelihood.”

Asked what he would say to the people who believe it’s a worthwhile vaccine and it’s saving lives, Ted ā€” who spoke openly about his battle with COVID-19 seven months ago ā€” said: “I appreciate the opportunity to speak to the people that went ahead and got the jab. I speak their language. I will speak to them thusly: Baaaaaah,” he said, imitating a sheep. “Baaaaaah. Baaaaaah. Baaaaaah. They understand that.”

When senior Capitol correspondent Tim Skubick asked Nugent point blank if he believes that the millions of people who got the shot are “just stupid,” Ted replied: “Yup.”

In April, Nugent talked about the darkest days of his battle with COVID-19, saying that he had “never been so scared” in his entire life. The 72-year-old pro-gun activist, who had previously claimed the virus was “not a real pandemic,” said: “It was really scary. I didn’t think I was gonna make it. I literally couldn’t function for about 20 hours, and then they came and they rescued meā€¦ The six-foot-two, 225-pound headache [this time] was like nothing I have ever experienced. I mean, from my tip of my toes to the top of my hair, I literally was dizzy and weak and struggled to get up to go to the bathroom. And I would lay in the bathtub a couple of times a day with the water as hot as I could take it just to divert.”

Ted also said that he was being treated for COVID-19 by a group of doctors who made a video last year calling for the use of hydroxychloroquine to battle the novel coronavirus, despite warnings from public health experts. Nugent went on to detail his clinical management of COVID-19, saying he was taking hydroxychloroquine, “a proven drug for 65 years,” as well as ivermectin, “another proven drug.”

In the past, Nugent, a staunch Donald Trump supporter, had referred to the virus as a “leftist scam to destroy” America’s 45th president. He had also repeated a narrative pushed by conservative media and disputed by health experts that suggests the official death count from the coronavirus is inflated.


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