Outspoken conservative rocker Ted Nugent has once again said that this year’s presidential election was a fraud, insisting that “hundreds of thousands of dead people” voted and claiming that machines were “rigged” to give a Donald Trump vote to Joe Biden.

Nugent, an avid Trump supporter, offered his opinion of this year’s election during an appearance on the conservative outlet One America News (OAN).

He said (see video below): “Who doesn’t know the glaring evidence [of voter fraud]? I’m aware of all that evidence. Everybody I know is aware of all that evidence. Everybody I know knows that there are hundreds of thousands of dead people that voted. There are probably hundreds of thousands of votes that were created by a few dozen people with the same signatures that somehow they thought that the signatures didn’t need to match the voting record of the so-called voter, the machines that were rigged to give a Trump vote to Biden.”

Addressing then-attorney general William Barr, one of the president’s most ardent allies who declared earlier in the month the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election, Nugent continued: “Bob Barr, where is your soul? [Former FBI director] Jim Comey, where is your soul? CNN, I don’t even need to ask where your soul is, because it’s burning somewhere in hell. The denial, the deceit, the dishonesty, the treason — that is treason, when you rig an election in this constitutional republic, this democratic dream.

“Somebody’s gotta go to jail,” Ted continued. “Everywhere I go, why aren’t these people in jail? Why isn’t [former presidential candidate and secretary of state] Hillary Clinton in jail? Why isn’t [U.S. House Of Representatives speaker Nancy] Pelosi in jail? Why isn’t Eric Holder [the attorney general under President Barack Obama] in jail? My buddy Brian Terry, the great border agent, he’s dead with the guns that Obama and Holder gave to the Mexican gangs. I mean, I can go on and on. [The] Benghazi [terrorist attack] was not about a video. We all know this stuff, unless somebody hit you in the head with a brick in your youth and your brain doesn’t function.

“I believe it’s a system of soullessness, because if you track the system of the left, it’s all about enriching themselves while they control the population, and we ain’t gonna stand for it.”

Trump has repeatedly claimed that the election was stolen, and he has refused to concede his loss to President-Elect Joe Biden.

Trump has been unsuccessful in his legals effort to convince American judges across the nation to nullify millions of votes in six key states and declare him the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

No evidence has been provided for any of his allegations and dozens of federal courts, with both Democratic and Republican judges, have dismissed lawsuits which referred to those claims.

The presidential race ended with a victory for Biden with 306 electoral votes. Biden had received 81 million votes across America — the most votes cast for any presidential candidate in history — compared to 74 million votes for Trump.

Leading up to this year’s election, Nugent teamed up with Donald Trump Jr. on the campaign trail.

Ted has called Trump “the greatest president in our lifetime,” and believes the billionaire real estate mogul represents “the heart and soul of the best American families out there.”


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