Overwatch Winter Wonderland Credit: Activision Blizzard

Overwatch has begun its Winter Wonderland event for this year and it will continue until January 6, with new icons, spray and skins available.

The event which began yesterday (December 16) introduces five new legendary skins and prices all previous Winter Wonderland event skins at a discount. Four Winter Wonderland themed events; 4v4 Freezethaw Elimination, Mei’s Snowball Offensive, Yeti Hunt, and Snowball Deathmatch, are all also available to players.

Also included as part of the event are three weeks of challenges. Each week has a challenge themed around a different Overwatch character and allows players to unlock limited-time rewards by winning nine different games of any type.

Here are a list of the challenges and their dates:

  • Week 1 (December 16 – 22): Wooltide Tracer
  • Week 2 (December 23 – 29): Mistletoe Symmetra
  • Week 3 (December 30 – January 6): Peppermint Bark Brigitte
Overwatch Winter Wonderland Credit: Activision Blizzard
Overwatch Winter Wonderland Credit: Activision Blizzard

Below is a list of the five legendary skins which will also be available. There will also be three epic skins:

  • Reindeer Orisa
  • Sleighing D.Va
  • Snowman Wrecking Ball
  • Ice Wraith Genji
  • Snowboarder Baptiste

The event is available now with week one’s Tracer themed challenge, and will continue until January 6 for Overwatch players on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch.

In other news, high ranking Activision Blizzard executive, Brian Buatao, sent a companywide email to employees last week (December 10), warning of the “consequences” of unionization. The e-mail reads ” “I want to be clear about this: The leadership of Activision Blizzard supports your right, under the the [sic] National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), to make your own decision about whether or not to join a union, – We ask only that you take time to consider the consequences of your signature on the binding legal document presented to you by CWA (union)”

The post The ‘Overwatch’ Winter Wonderland event has returned appeared first on NME.


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