Some Twitch users have been asking for a disability pride month where disabled content creators are promoted more often.
As spotted by Eurogamer, Twitch streamer queerlybee created an item of Twitch user voice, a platform where Twitch users can suggest things to the streaming service platform. The suggestion titled “Add disability month front page features” has almost 500 votes within a day of being posted (January 18).
In it they ask for greater promotion of disabled streamers like themself, similar to how queer creators are promoted during pride month.
“Twitch does an excellent job curating teams and featuring marginalized creators on the front page during identity based pride months. However, I’ve never seen one of these happen for disabled creators which I believe is a big missed opportunity.
“Being a content creator as a disabled person adds a whole host of additional challenges, such as navigating algorithms that favor consistency with inconsistent bodies. Finding games and programs that are accessible for us for streaming, etc.
“I would love to see Twitch uplift the hardworking disabled creators by also hosting a Disability Pride Month and highlighting disabled creators the way they do with Black History Month, AAPI month, LGBTQIA+ month, etc.”
The comments all seem to be positive about the idea with one user adding:
“Disabled folks often are excluded from the narrative when we discuss marginalized communities and Twitch is the perfect place to highlight and uplift these creators. there are intersections from all walks of life who are disabled and offer different perspectives and you’ll always find their streams are the most safe and accessible. Give disabled creators a month!”
The highest-rated suggestion for the platform is to increase the cut creators make from subscriptions, with over 21,000 votes.
In other news, Xbox is adding extra accessibility to more of its games with nine games, including Stardew Valley, receiving touch control support.
The post Twitch users ask for a “disability pride month” appeared first on NME.