Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights is out now, allowing you to team up with a friend and take on some of DC’s most iconic villains. There are four characters to choose from, and you can switch between Batgirl, Red Hood, Nightwing and Robin between missions. Each has their own set of skills and abilities, which can be used to take down Gotham’s criminal underbelly.

As you progress through Gotham Knights, your character will level up. Not only that, but all characters will match you throughout, encouraging you to switch between them and try out different strategies.

There is, of course, a limit to how much characters can level up in Gotham Knights. Here’s what the max level is in the base game, and when playing New Game Plus.

Gotham Knights max level

Gotham Knights
Gotham Knights. Credit: Warner Bros. Games Montreal

The max level in Gotham Knights is 30. This is how high you can take a character during the main game. This could be increased in the future if story DLC is released. We’ll be sure to keep this page updated.

New Game Plus max level

After beating the main story in Gotham Knights, you will be able to activate New Game Plus. Once you do, you can level characters up to level 40. This gives you an additional 10 levels to work through.

That’s all you need to know about Gotham Knights’ maximum level. For more own the game, check out our four star review. We called Gotham Knights ‘compelling and filled with charismatic characters you’re going to want to spend time with.’

Elsewhere in gaming, Oscar Isaac has said he’s still “hopeful” that a Metal Gear Solid movie will be made.

The post What is the max level in Gotham Knights? appeared first on NME.


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