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We are…

I’m William Blackaby. I play in a few bands and my solo project is called Blackaby.

What do you sound like?

My uncle said it was ‘classy punk’ recently – I’m not sure what that is but I’ve been telling people that’s what I am ever since.

Are you any good (honestly)?

Nan digs it, the dog tolerates it.

What’s your best song?

I’m really pleased with one called ‘Lee’. The lyrics and chords fell into place quickly and the recording (in the bedroom of my friend Paddy) captured the song really nicely.

What’s been your most memorable gig?

I supported The Breeders at The Kentish Town Forum in a previous band – Kim Deal waved at me which was cool. I was too nervous to say hi. More recently I played a couple of shows in Tokyo (just before the pandemic) playing bass for Swimming Tapes. The shows were so much fun and they were the most attentive and respectful music fans. Generally it was a massive buzz to play in that part of the world.

Tell us something really interesting about you, that isn’t to do with music.

I sleepwalked to the corner shop aged 8 and have been a prolific sleep walker ever since.

We said really interesting…

I can fit my fist into my mouth. It used to be my party trick at school but I don’t do it any more because once my mouth locked open for half an hour afterwards.

What’s your karaoke song?

New York State Of Mind – Billy Joel

Scenario: We’ve given you a shit load of money to make a big budget video – what do you do with it?

Give the cash to reforestation projects in the Amazon and make the video a time-lapse of one of the trees growing. Too hippy? Sod it – the planet’s dying.

What do you want to achieve with your music?

I want to release three albums of good songs, play them live extensively, ultimately sustain a living from doing that, speak for a generation and then spend the rest of the time with Eggs (my dog).

If your tour bus was hanging over the edge of a cliff and you needed to throw out one band member as ballast, which member would it be and why?

Myself as it’d be good for PR. The others would come with me out of solidarity I imagine…they definitely would, yeah.

Fill in the blanks: When you listen to our music, it feels like mummy is bringing a tasty selection of treats to your Tree House

If your band had ‘stans’ (superfans, like Katy Perry’s Kitty Cats or Lady Gaga’s Little Monsters), what would the name for them be?

The Silly Willys?

Where can we see you next?

We recently filmed a session which should be online soon – that’s the closest to a live show there is at the min!

What do you want to happen at your last ever show?

Pits (both mosh and circle)

Any final words?

be kind, smile at someone, stroke a cat.

The post What’s Your Band Called, Mate? Get to know Blackaby appeared first on NME Music News, Reviews, Videos, Galleries, Tickets and Blogs | NME.COM.


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