New World

A YouTuber has received a copyright strike from Amazon and had a video taken down after contacting New World support and making a video about a bug.

Creator Video Game DataBank originally made a New World video about an aptitude skill bug that was costing players thousands of points of XP and coins. The video itself served as a warning for players about the bug, but Video Game Databank also contacted Amazon Game Studios support to report the issue.

After some messages back-and-forth about the bug, the YouTuber shared the video with support which shows New World gameplay in an attempt to explain the bug. Shortly after, the video was taken down and received a manual copyright strike from Amazon.

Now, the original video concerning the bug seems to be back up on YouTube here, but the fact that the video was taken down and the channel received a copyright strike doesn’t change. Video Game DataBank does say in the above video that they filed a counterclaim for the take down, but that it was rejected, so exactly why the video is up is unknown.

“Honestly I’m afraid, I’m afraid that they’ll just come after my whole YouTube and get my YouTube banned, because even though I follow the content created usage policy, it’s information that’s helpful to the community […] but they say can revoke it at any time basically.”

Video Game DataBank made it clear in the video about the copyright strike that they didn’t want to use any copyrighted material out of fear that they could lose their entire channel thanks to more claims from Amazon.

New World campfire
New World. Credit: Amazon Game Studios

“Never again am I ever, ever using the forums or using Amazon Games support,” they added.

We’ve reached out to Video Game DataBank to let them know the video is seemingly back up and to ask for comment. Whether or not the copyright strike was a mistake and is being entirely reversed remains to be seen, and exactly what’s going on is still up in the air.

In other news, Ready or Not developer Void Interactive splits with publisher Team17 on the same day that one developer said the game would have a school shooting level.

The post YouTuber gets copyright strike after contacting ‘New World’ support appeared first on NME.


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