The Office US star Rainn Wilson has spoken out against “anti-Christian bias” in Hollywood following a recent episode of The Last Of Us.

Wilson took to Twitter after watching the penultimate episode of the HBO series, which centered on a group of cannibals led by someone who appeared to be a Christian preacher.

The preacher named David (played by Scott Shepherd) turned out to be the main villain of the episode, and later attempted to sexually assault lead character Ellie (Bella Ramsey).

“I do think there is an anti-Christian bias in Hollywood,” Wilson tweeted after watching the episode. “As soon as the David character in The Last of Us started reading from the Bible I knew that he was going to be a horrific villain. Could there be a Bible-reading preacher on a show who is actually loving and kind?”

Wilson, who isn’t a Christian himself, made it clear that he wasn’t pushing an agenda, but noted that most of the Christians he knows are “kind, accepting and loving” people.

He further tweeted: “Here’s a couple of funny things about the anti-Christian bias in Hollywood. My opinion tweet [about The Last of Us] was picked up as front page news by Fox News. Talk about bias. An organisation created as a corporate shill to create division solely for profit based on culture-war outrage. Print that!”

He continued: “Also, I’m not even a Christian. Of course it’s true that the evangelical/political coalition is doing a great deal of damage to our country. Banning books – banning freedoms – denying inconvenient science, taking a grotesque anti-LGBTQ+ platform… But most Christians that I know are kind, accepting and loving and seeking to make the world a better place. They should also be honored in the media.”

The Last Of Us aired its season one finale Sunday (March 12). A second season has already been confirmed, with lead actor Pedro Pascal previously hinting that filming will begin sometime this year.

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