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The Walking Dead deaths

“Together, we will fight. And that’s how we will survive: together.” This unconvincing promise of survival is heard being delivered by Father Gabriel during the tense opening of ‘A Certain Doom’, the long-awaited season 10 finale of The Walking Dead.

Set to premiere in early October six months on from its intended release date (a delay caused by — what else? — the coronavirus pandemic), the AMC series is finally ready to close out its strongest season in years with a concluding episode which, if the various excitable clues that have emerged from Walking Dead HQ are anything to go by, will see at least one of the show’s major players exit the zombie-ravaged stage for good.

In case you need a quick catch-up ahead of the premiere of 10×16, here’s the set-up: numerous survivors from Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom and Oceanside, as well as some assorted stragglers (including the returning Maggie!), are poised to do battle with Beta, the remaining Whisperers and a thousands-strong horde of undead walkers. The carnage will commence at an abandoned hospital complex (dubbed the ‘Tower’) that a number of our heroes are already holed up at. Rest assured, in keeping with Walking Dead finale tradition, all hell is about to break loose.

The season finale’s not-at-all-subtle episode title ‘A Certain Doom’ is actually lifted from an instalment of the original Walking Dead comic, which saw Andrea (remember her?) killed. But as she died way back in season three of the TV version, someone else from our current crop of characters has surely to receive their marching orders instead — and who’s to say that there will be just one victim?

To get you in the speculatory mood for the upcoming season 10 finale, we’ve gazed into our trusty crystal ball in a bid to ascertain which of the key characters could meet their end in ‘A Certain Doom’ and given them each a rating out of 10 based on their chances of survival. It’s also worth reminding here that AMC have been kind enough to share the first three-and-a-bit minutes of the finale, so check that out below first and then read on…

Gabriel – 3.5/10 survival rating

The Walking Dead
Seth Gilliam as Father Gabriel Stokes (Picture: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC)

Is Father Gabriel livin’ on a prayer? The priest has come a long, long way from his season five introduction as a snivelling, cowardly and utterly shifty piece of work (never forget that he left his congregation to die by selfishly barricading himself in his church at the time of the outbreak), and he is now one of the major forces for good to root for on The Walking Dead. However, not only does he signpost his own (possible) imminent death in the opening scene of ‘A Certain Doom’ by banging on about how they’re all going to survive Beta’s assault, he’s also a major victim of the skin mask-wearing baddie in the comics. Speaking of whom…

Beta – 0.5/10

The Walking Dead
Ryan Hurst as Beta (Picture: Jackson Lee Davis / AMC)

Given that the dawn of the Commonwealth era of The Walking Dead is almost certain to begin with season 11, ‘A Certain Doom’ looks set to bring the curtain down on the Whisperers storyline for good. So will this also be Beta’s last hurrah? We’re going to stick our necks out and say that: yes, yes it will be. But he’ll almost certainly go out with a bang, taking as many of our survivors with him as possible. In the comics, Jesus (RIP) and Aaron have the honour of ending Beta’s reign of terror — so might the show follow that route by handing the responsibility to Aaron? Or will Daryl get the satisfaction of putting an end to Beta, and therefore the Whisperers, by getting the kill?

Dianne – 2/10

The Walking Dead
Kerry Cahill as Dianne (Picture: TCDProd / Alamy)

Dianne is clearly a pretty decent survivor to have made it this far, but how many of us are able to instantly recall her name whenever she pops up on screen? Her death in ‘A Certain Doom’ would, we’re sorry to say, probably be Dianne’s most memorable moment on the show should it happen.

Magna – 6/10

The Walking Dead
Nadia Hilker as Magna (Picture: Gene Page / AMC)

Having recently split from Yumiko (who has since gone off with Eugene and Ezekiel on their Stephanie/Commonwealth fact-finding mission — see below), where next for Magna? While it does seem unlikely that her run on the show will come to an end during ‘A Certain Doom’, Magna’s role and indeed future in The Walking Dead is uncertain at this point — might she go out in a blaze of glory and die a hero’s death during the Beta battle?

Eugene, Ezekiel and/or Yumiko – 8/10

The Walking Dead
Khary Payton as Ezekiel, Eleanor Matsuura as Yumiko, Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter (Picture: Jace Downs/AMC)

These three are off to meet Stephanie (with new pal Princess in tow) and trigger the Commonwealth storyline, so it’s unlikely that any member of this trio will encounter a grisly end in ‘A Certain Doom’ — especially as they won’t be taking part in the ‘Tower’ battle. But then never say never on The Walking Dead

Side note: might the discovery of the Commonwealth provide the seemingly terminally ill Ezekiel with the kind of medical treatment that he so desperately requires?

Rosita – 7.5/10

The Walking Dead
Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa (Picture: Gene Page / AMC)

This would be a bit of a shock choice, especially given the trauma that TWD showrunners have already put her through in season 10. But there are very few people in The Walking Dead universe who the showrunners wouldn’t dare kill off (more on that later) and, having been on the show since season four, maybe Rosita’s time on The Walking Dead is beginning to run out?

Connie – 7/10

The Walking Dead
Lauren Ridloff as Connie (Picture: Jace Downs / AMC)

Given that she’s been missing since the cave collapse in ‘Squeeze’ — which, let’s not forget, was the season 10 mid-season premiere back in February — it’d be mean for the producers to bring Connie back from the wilderness in the season finale to then just kill her off. Her death at the hands of Beta in ‘A Certain Doom’, though, would almost certainly result in Daryl flying into a fit of murderous rage, as would a possible reveal of Connie in a zombified state shuffling along as part of the head Whisperer’s horde.

Aaron and/or Alden – 4/10

The Walking Dead
Aaron / Alden in ‘The Walking Dead’ (Picture: Jace Downs / Gene Page / AMC)

Dismayed by Beta and his horde’s sudden change in direction from Oceanside to the ‘Tower’, Aaron and Alden (or AA, as we’ll call them) were then surrounded by Whisperers and, curiously, a mysterious, masked and dual blade-wielding new person (who might that be?). So could AA become just A? Alden looks the more likely candidate for the chop here: we can just picture him fighting Whisperers to the bitter end as he avenges his late girlfriend Enid, who was one of the victims of the Alpha-orchestrated Kingdom fair massacre.

Negan – 9/10

The Walking Dead
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan (Picture: Jace Downs / AMC)

Don’t be silly. Negan can’t die.

Daryl/Carol 9.5/10

the walking dead season 10 episode 6
Daryl and Carol (Picture: AMC)

See above.

The Walking Dead season 10 finale ‘A Certain Doom’ will air in the UK on FOX on October 5.

The post Who is going to die in ‘The Walking Dead’ season 10 finale? appeared first on NME Music News, Reviews, Videos, Galleries, Tickets and Blogs | NME.COM.


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